
Can I eat cake during confinement?

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As long as you moderate your intake of traditional cakes I think should be fine. Try to avoid 'cold' cakes like ice cream cakes and fruits cake.

Thành viên VIP

Yes definitely but u need to watch ur sugar intake if u have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes during ur pregnancy.

Yes you can, but in moderation. Try to fill in your cravings, enjoy!

Super Mom

I didn’t. But I don’t tink there’s an issue for that.

Thành viên VIP

Yes but in moderation coz of the sugar(:

Super Mom

Of course:) drink plenty of water too

Yes. I ate during my confinement too

Influencer của TAP

Of course. Just eat in moderation

Thành viên VIP

Yes! Make sure its not too cold.

Yes of coz babe 😊