I eat alot of sugary stuff but afraid will have diabetics and I'm going for my test in a month time. What can I do?

Best to maintain. I was detected for the gestational diabetics but after controlling and diet, all is well now. :)
Try to cut down on carbo & sugar and limit to 1 serving of fruit a day because they are high in sugar
Take fruits 😅 even though some are sweet but I guess they are slightly lower in sugar
Cut down slowly and drink lots of plain water can help to wash away the sugar
Start to cut down. Take fruits instead. Drink plenty of water.
Start to cut down on sugar intake from now onwards.
Try to maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle.
Drink plenty of water. That’s really the best
try eat guava! and lots of water!
Time to cut down sugar
proud mummy of 2 princesses