22 Replies

It's best to limit the amount of caffeine you consume while breastfeeding. One or two cups of coffee a day are fine, but more than one or two servings of caffeine per day may affect your baby's mood and/or sleep.

I drink one cup per day after confinement. After resuming work, up to 2 cups per day.. I know it's nt good but 8 need it to function. So i try drink after pumping

One cup a day is enough. Caffeine can cause baby to over stimulate. So try to cut down if possible

Thank you

Just wait for 2hrs before you feed your baby again

Yes, better to drink right after breastfeeding

VIP Member

Yes, you can but restrict to 1 mug a day.

VIP Member

Not more than 2 cups a day

Please have in moderation

One glass a day is fine

VIP Member

Best to avoid caffeine

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