
Hi all i just drank cream of mushroom soup from the soup spoon then my colleague told me that its not gd for pregnancy. Is it true? I am ard 6 weeks now

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Sorry but I think your colleague doesn’t have a good basis for that assumption. I enjoy warm soup from the Soup Spoon during my first trimester especially when I don’t have a good appetite.

I had that a few times.. I finished one regular size all by myself. Baby is fine. In what way it's not good. Maybe can ask your colleague to elaborate.

During pregnancy, it is safe to only eat cooked mushrooms and avoiding raw mushrooms is greatly recommended for the health of your fetus.

Dont worry... its fine. Their tomato soup really helped to fill me up when i didnt have the appetite to eat.

Thành viên VIP

Mushroom is nutritious. Outside food always have a lot of msg, home cook is the best if can :)

Super Mom

I don't see how it's bad. I ate from the soup spoon a few times during my pregnancy too.

5y trước

Mushroom is suppose to be good. Is it becos of the MSG ?

Thành viên VIP

Mushroom cream soup is fine as long as it’s fully cooked.

Mushroom soup is my favourite during pregnancy. Yummy

Thành viên VIP

Anything as long as it is fully cooked, it’s fine

Mayb u shld ask ur colleague why issit not good

5y trước

She said mushroom is poisonous..heh