Is it bad to use pacifier when baby cries?

I don’t use pacifier to make baby sleep but sometimes when she cries and just wouldn’t stop even with rocking etc then is it bad to give pacifier? Will she be reliant if it’s just like once a day or so?#advicepls

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I agree with anonymous. Chuck aside the outdated belief about reliant on pacifier/rocking etc. U are there and tending to babys needs. So its okay continue what ure doing! Keep tending and meeting baby needs as long as its not dangerous (for u and baby) Remember when baby cries or whines whatever it is, baby needs the connection with u and have its needs met (hunger, tummyache, overtired, anxious, scared etc etc). U be babys constant, the trusted adult okay If u hit the stage maybe by one years or two years old and u are worried about babys teeth n gums, or speech issues from pacifier, then consult ur peads for further steps to wean. But right now baby will be super upset plus ure gonna be exhausted and might even snap! So choose ur battles its okay 👍🏻

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4mo trước

Thank you for the reply 💕