Rant about Mother in law

I don’t mean to be unappreciative, but I don’t like the way how my mother in law says or do somethings to my LO. Like for example, she wants to help me feed. While I’m making milk, she keep saying things like “faster faster baby hungry already” or “mama so slow, baby is hungry already hor” I’m like wtf? So I pretend to “scold” my baby and said “baby must be patience, mama don’t mean to make u wait” or “mama know u hungry, but milk milk don’t come instantly” She keep urging baby to do things like faster drink milk, faster burp, faster sleep. Faster this faster that. Like hey… babies aren’t developed to follow this rhythm leh. There are many occasions where my MIL “blames” us and I keep correcting her bcos I believe my LO will listen And my mother in law keep carry baby the moment he cried. Like make 1 sound, she will straight go carry. Sigh 😔 im so worried that baby will develop the carry habit I told her before but she just can’t stop doing it. Even my husband also told her not to and she just don’t remember.

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