How to decide on your gynaecologists and private/public hospital?

I dont know what I want ? I dont have any preferred gynae in mind, or hospital at the moment. I'm just worried to spend a lot if I choose private. I heard that a child can spend more than 10k if choose private? At the moment, I went to polyclinic to get referral letter to KK to do the 1st scan. However, I still have not decided whether to stick to Kk or what. Why do you choose certain gynae or certain hospital ? And, does that gynae that u visit everytime will also deliver the baby for u?

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Super Mom

Also, doesn’t mean private dr outside kkh has shorter waiting time. I have waited 2 hours for kkh dr and also same for tmc dr.

5y trước

Tmc is the 2nd highest density hospital after kkh.. I think all highly dense hospitals have long waiting hours.. I wonder if hospital like parkway or glen would have shorter waiting time.