Oscar test

Hi, I will be doing mine Oscar test on Tuesday. And very nervous and scare of the results. May I know what is a good result for the Oscar test?

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Thành viên VIP

Well, you know the test is not conclusive right? It just tells you the risk. If you want conclusive test you’ll have to do amniocentesis later on in the pregnancy. A doctor gave me good advice: if your results come back high risk, are you going to abort the baby? No? Then no point doing. If you plan to have the baby regardless, all these tests are unnecessary.

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Best of luck. How old are you mummy? But do note that the Oscar is not very accurate. I had a bad scare when I did my Oscar for my no 1. I went for 2nd opinion with another gynae and did a more detailed scan. Everything turn out well. If your Oscar result turn out not good you should get a 2nd opinion. I visited Prof Ananda at Camden Clinic. http://www.ssr.com.sg/faculty.htm

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5y trước

This year 24

Super Mom

Good luck mummy. I was really nervous of my igene test results too back then. A good result is everything is normal and baby has no down syndrome...

Thành viên VIP

All the best. Doctor will inform you on whether high or low risk. Pray that everything is going good for you. :)

Thành viên VIP

They go by % so the lesser the better , like 1 in how many etc kind. Don’t worry, it will be fine! Jiayou!

5y trước

Thanks a lot~

omg ill be taking my blood test tmr as well..heard need to go for some counselling??

well for me,, good result is a call from my gynae say everything is normal 🤭

All the best... The result will tell u whether is high or low risk

Doctor will inform you! Don't worry 😀

Super Mom

Low risk=good results