Do i have to take medication if i failed 1hr glucose test?

I did my OGTT, fasting and 2hr blood sugar within range but 1hr i failed by 0.3mmol. I know this is considered GDM, any mummies can share do i have to take medication/insulin or make sure to have a stricter diet? #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp

Do i have to take medication if i failed 1hr glucose test?
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for me, I had to record my food and blood glucose level before and after every meal and try to avoid or eat lesser portion for those food that affects the glucose readings. no medication or insulin during this period. it got worse as baby grows in tummy so I had to self inject insulin before every meal towards the end of pregnancy. aft giving birth I continued to "control" my food and passed the glucose test which was scheduled 6 wks aft giving birth

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If you do with KKH, they will get you to buy a blood glucose monitor device for like $60 to track twice a week. Will get dietician to go through your diet too. Then during your next review with gynae, the doctor will see how is the result and decide if you should be on diabetes meds or not. They won’t put you on insulin straight away unless the result is damn bad.

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hi mummy not to worry .. usually nurse will give u call and tell u the results u have a slight gdm.. same as me..u have to book for zoom consultation by nurses. they will explained what to eat etc. diet..all no need to take insulin or medic. u need to get sugar check device and monitor twice a week

11mo trước

Thanks alot! U also failed ur 1st hr too?

My result was bad during my first pregnancy. 1h reading was 12 n 2h reading was 11 . I wasnt given medication and insulin anyway. Currently im prediabetic and also not on insulin/meds. I just nd to record my readings and send to my endocrine n do my hba1c mthly.

Usually they will ask to monitor your glucose using the glucoes testing device every single day, few times a day. Insulin only if your result is very very bad and very high

11mo trước

I dont believe so. But gynae will advise accordingly. Yours most prob either retake glucose test or do the glucose tracking everyday