Down Syndrome screening

I am currently at week 8 of my pregnancy and need to decide whether want to do Down Syndrome screening during the next gynae appt. I am 30 years old. Understand that below 35 consider low risk, and some mummies will not opt for the screening. Still not sure whether I want to do it? If yes, should I go for Oscar or other more precise and expensive one? Need some advices from those who have gone through this stage. #1stimemom #advicepls #pregnancy

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I’d recommend going straight for Panorama if your finances permits. It’s more expensive than OSCAR but offers much higher accuracy, plus you get to know the baby’s gender with almost 100% accuracy as early as week 10! Some moms who opted for OSCAR ended up going for Panorama eventually as the OSCAR results were not ideal - eventually the Panorama results were all clear and they were put through the emotional stress for nothing and you can’t put a price on that!

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Yes I did!