I am currently in the process of reading and learning about Baby Led Weaning. Are any mommies here into BLW? Can you share some tips/advices? I have an 8 month old that started solids with the usual old-school weaning (mashed/purees), and I would really live to give BLW a try. Can you share your exoeriences? Please and thank you

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Some of my friends tried baby-led weaning and found that it is not very tedious in terms of food preparation. Food preparation is fast and easy since it usually only involved cutting and steaming fruits or vegetables. While it can get messy, their babies appeared to be more interested in eating and having fun while at it. What they did was to cut fruits or vegetables into pieces that are big enough for their babies to hold onto. They started off with steamed carrots, banana, soft mangos, toast finger, broccoli and peeled cucumber. And to introduce the idea, they started the first session as “snack” in between feeds. Once their babies got the idea, they started eating together with them and as a family whenever possible. One thing is note is that do be prepared that baby-led weaning would definitely be a messy process (but mess can always be cleaned up!).

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8y trước

Thank you so much for your input! I am looking forward to trying BLW out! Not with the mess though, but still! Hehe