Heartbeat beating fast

I am currently in 13 wks + @ 2nd trimester. Lately I noticed that my heartbeat is racing/pounding. Makes me cough and I have to catch my breath sometimes. It also happened when I first had to take my blood pressure. I just came out from the toilet and had to walk a bit to the clinic when the nurse called me. The reading was 143 (I was shocked cos I am anemiac and normally I have low bp) and my obgyn had me re-do the bp again cos she said it's not good. Anyone facing the same? What do you do?

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Having high BP during pregnancy isn’t good sign. I think you should report your high BP to your gynae and get it managed as high BP can put you at higher risk during pregnancy. Usually gynae will prescribe aspirin or another meds to help manage the risk. If your current gynae does not really put attention to it, you can ask for 2nd opinion to gynae who specialized in managing high risk pregnancy.

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