Safe to eat Seoul Garden?

I am currently 5 montgs pregnant. Is it safe to consume Seoul Garden? Since raw meat are being served and we have to cook it ourselves.

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Thành viên VIP

Cooked well is just part 1. Raw food tongs and cooked food tongs should be different. Leave some space between the cooked food and uncooked food on the hot plate. Like, don't mix raw meat with cooked meat. If in doubt just reheat your food for more than a minute.

Thành viên VIP

As long as you cook the meet well through yourself it should be all fine, after all you have better control over that when you cook yourself and the grills get very hot. Make sure the cooked meat does not get in contact with uncooked meat or its juices.

6y trước


I had Seoul garden when I was about 8 months pregnant 😛 You just have to make sure you cook the food really well, and if anything taste funny then not eat it.

I’m at 23 weeks now and I have steamboat/bbq outside quite a few times already. No problem at all. Just need to make sure all the food are fully cooked 😊

Influencer của TAP

Yes just make sure you use the utensils differently for cooking and eating. And make sure it's cooked.

Yes, just make sure you cook it properly before eating.

Influencer của TAP

Just cook the meat thoroughly before you consume it.

It’s safe. Make sure it’s properly cooked.

Thành viên VIP

it's safe, make sure the food is fully cooked

Influencer của TAP

Can, just make sure it is fully well cooked