Is it okay to do shoulder and head massage at 13 weeks?

Hi! I am currently 13 weeks and have been experiencing shoulder and neck pain. I would really like to go for a massage but I know alot of places will not massage pregnant women till much later. But the pain is making me uncomfortable and I also know salonpas is not encouraged. Any tips to overcome this? Is it true massage is not allowed? Thank you

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I was around 11 weeks I think. I called a family friend who is an experienced masseuse for pregnant ladies. Told her my neck pain was really unbearable and I needed a massage. In a joking way, she told me to suck it up and tahan until 20 weeks because she dared not massage a pregnant woman before 20 weeks. So I took a panadol and bought heat packs to relief the pain 😌 didn't do much haha so... I just sucked it up 😣

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6mo trước

That’s what I’m experiencing right now, it’s so painful and annoying and nobody will massage me! Did your neck massage eventually go away?