Just Want To Know

I just curious want to know.. What if we as a pregnancy time using oilment at our body that we are in pain.. Is it possible to?

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As a nutritionist will tell you not advisable as our skin r made up of cells n it will go into placenta n you don't know what's the deep ingredient of ointment you used unless you read the ingredient. But, at time you r so pain no choice once a while just avoid tummy area. But you gotta resolve the core reason for the pain. Watch your diet.

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Yes, topicals application are not restricted but oral consumption of medications, need to check with gynecologist or doctor

Thành viên VIP

I think better to check with gynae. I used to rub those muscle ache cream and my gynae asked me to stop.

yes! i use it all the time in the night during my first trimester! as long as its external.

Yes it should be fine as oil application will just be on your skin tissues and not internal

Thành viên VIP

Not those oil that is hot and not at tummy pls.. aromatheraphy massage oil is the best.

Thành viên VIP

Better to check with your doctor as some ingredients of the oil may not be suitable.

Thành viên VIP

Except tummy I can use it anywhere ..

Thành viên VIP

Best to check with your gynae

Thank you so much..