Mysterious 30ml

So I chanced upon a YouTube video about this 'mysterious 30ml' whereby babies leaving the extra 30ml, always at 30ml of leftover milk (mine happens 7 out of 8 feeds a day ?) For example, when I make 90ml of milk, she will consume 60ml (left over 30ml), if I make 120ml of milk, she will consume 90ml (left over 30ml too) Since she always leftover 30ml, I've decided to make 120ml during all her meals so she will consume sufficient of 90ml in a single feeding ? Any mummy experienced this?

Mysterious 30ml
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Heard it kind of Mysterious.. few times I too observed the same

5y trước

Yes! Haha during lucky days my girl with finish the whole bottle but only once out of her entire 8-9 feeds 😂😂

I read it before and yes it did happen to me very often😂

5y trước

Haha I guess it's true that milk bottles company should look into this issue and get it solved! 😂

Sometime yes sometime he finish and still wan somemorr

Thành viên VIP

Now that u mention, I realise mine does the same!!

5y trước

Haha I guess the mystery of the 30ml remains 😂

Thành viên VIP

No.will try to make her finish all.

Influencer của TAP

Me! Omg I didn't know about this

Influencer của TAP

I kept on trying until finish

Yes. Also experience this