Breech baby . Help !!
Hi . I just came back from check up . Im at 28 weeks and doc told me baby is breech. What to do ? #1stimemom #pleasehelp #1st_pregnancy

Will caesarean be a much better option to consider? It takes away your stress of worrying when baby will head down and it’ll be much better in control for the doctor to ensure safety for both mother and child. Deciding early on the option also saves emergency costs later on. So far all my friends who did caesarean recovered within 1-3 months and they all said the whole process during delivery is painless.
Read moreFor me, my baby was already head down on week 20. and then week 20 plus close to week 30, foundout hes in breech position. He was still breech but this time his head went sideways until week 36. i was completely stressedout. so i did the sujud position for like abt 10 seconds, aft every prayers. and also must talk to baby. and i believe Tahajjud works. bcz i was sooo scared of csect. hope this helps. Take care 🤗
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28wks is too early to determine whether baby is in breach position. They can turn until 36wks. For my case till 36w, my baby is still breech then it will be an obvious c section only option.
hi mummy! talking to the baby and some gentle exercises helps! mine wasnt in vertex position at 30 weeks, then by 33 weeks the baby has turned already :) still early, don't worry!
My gynae taught me to do some exercise before bed and I heard it common that u can check with your dr how to do it.. And try talking to baby 😉
it's normal for 28 weeks. mine breached till I am at my 36 weeks. baby will slowly turned. should talked to the baby often.
it’s still so early though, my baby was breech even at 32 weeks! baby still has so much time to turn.. don’t worry
my baby turned at 37 weeks. had OT, gynae and anaesthetist booked already and had to cancel them!
Its still very early. Mine was breech at wk 32. Talk to ur baby! Mine turned by wk 35!