I bet everyone's looking forward to holidays especially after pregnant but all plans frozen just at the thought how plans can be jeopardized with kids now in the plan? Any suggestions of venues & even small tricks to suggest ?

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Why do you think that kids will jeopardize your holiday plans? It might be a challenge to have holidays with kids in tow, yes but it will also be much more fun and memorable in my opinion. If you plan well and choose a right location, everyone will be able to enjoy the holiday just fine. If your kids are still young, look for places close to home. Malaysia is usually a good start for kids to go for their first holiday. If they are older, you can venture further and try places like Thailand, Korea, Australia. And if you really think that you need time away from the kids, bring along your in laws or parents along. More hands will surely make the trip more accessible. Alternatively, you can leave the kids behind with their grandparents and you and hubs can get some well deserved time off alone.

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For me I strongly agree that holidays are another era of experience w kids w 2 boys now.. Brought them on trips since 8m old for the big bro n now planning the first for the little baby too. Family rules all go or all stay so leaving anyone behind is out of the qn. Sharing this topic here for anyone who loves a holiday but is feared by it like many frens who checked out w me. To plan in detail & much before hand is the key. But to not harbour on those that u missed coz of a last min cranky kid is the next way to have a relaxed holiday. For me I plan a lot into details such as venue, nearby amenities even flight time! Crazy as can be but I enjoyed myself lots on every trip we went on so far

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