8 Replies
Hi, Although the baby gets all nutrients through your milk, but you need vitamins, minerals and iron too for your health and blood formation. Hence best to take formula milk
Yes...Do check with your gynae and see if you can take some supplements etc
Yes. What u affects the quality of breast milk supply for ur baby.
be safe than sorry
Yes definitely.
Check with Pd
What u have in your body will go to feed baby first. Your nutritional needs will go up while u are breastfeeding and you need some additional iron and vitamin intake to maintain your own health. As to whether you should feed formula, that is a decision that is rather iffy. If baby getting enough quantity of milk from you, and you are physically and emotionally capable of continuing to bf, you might want to continue bf-ing and eat more supplements/vitamins to boost your health. However, if u feel you prefer to to cut back on bf, then I'd say no shame in feeding formula. Fed is best, doesn't matter if its breast milk or formula. ✌