I am 7 months pregnant and I started forming rashes all over my legs. I think it's Pupp. It's really itchy. What can I do to alleviate the itch

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Have you seen a doctor yet? Yes this looks like puppps I experienced this when I was at week 33. The dermatologist prescribed elomet which is a mild steroid cream, xyzal antihistamine and ceradan moisturizer. He also told me to avoid nuts and seafood when it's itchy. All of those helped a little but it only cleared up after delivery of baby. The key is to keep the area moisturized, drink more water, stay away from dust and be in aircon all the time. If you don't want to use steroid cream, you can buy Sarna cream from guardian. You can ask try to shower with pine tar soap which you can buy from iherb. The itch is depressing but hang in there!

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