4 Replies

Hi hi, I had an abortion once and a miscarriage a year after. My current pregnancy was at risk of miscarriage too. When I was at week 6 I had light spotting like I did with my previous miscarriage. My Doc was very frank to us which we appreciate the frankness as we want to be mentally & emotionally prepared in case of another loss. He planned a treatment for me. I followed thru this treatment plan till week 14. *Am nearing to Third trimester now.* 1. Take progesterone tablets 3x a day 2. Weekly progesterone injection 3. Weekly doc review 4. Strict bedrest 5. No sexual intercourse with your partner Do note that not all miscarriages can be avoided even with treatment plans. I hope that your doc has explained to you that it is none of your’s or your partner’s fault.

Agree with the earlier comment.. quite extreme for the dr to make such comment and cause unnecessary stress to mother😅 it is still at very early phase and gestational sac size may sometimes vary depending on your actual ovulation day. 5w6d is based on your estimated ovulation date. Same as first heartbeat detection, some ppl hear it earlier at 5w/6w, some hear it later at 8w. That shouldn’t be the sole parameter to conclude a “significant risk of miscarriage”. Try not to let that affect u mummy! Keep a positive mind and happy mood😊 it helps in pregnancy journey!



Is it via IVF?

At such an early stage, don’t recall my experienced doc mentioning the size gestational sac. I think that is a very extreme comment to make

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