I am at my 3rd week of postnatal and I don't know if I am being sensitive or not. I have 2 sil and I saw the msg she give to me hubby asking is there any latest picture of my LO. So my hubby send them in the group chat. And the reply was "wah he look like me". Both sil reply that and I feel unhappy and sad. Like wth I give birth then the baby look like my sil? I told my hubby about it. He say they just comment and laugh it off and ask me to take it easy. Both of my sil is single and I am sure they will keep on being so irritating.

I totally understand how you feel. Talk it out if this makes you tick. Dont bottle it up but learn to take it easy like what the mommy above advised. my baby is 7.5mo now. Guess what? Hubby relatives will comment our daughtee looks exactly like him or my single elder sil. Pissef? You bet! What do I say? I say to them, you all watch my hubby n sil grow up fr birth n not me, of course u wont know how i look like when i was a baby. fyi, she looks exactly like me when i was a baby. lets be honest, we all want to hear tt our babies resemble us mommies..i reckon daddies dont care abt this at all n it doesnt bother them somehow? but there comes along other female specie like mil.. sil... hubby's aunties... who like to add in their two dollars worth (not 2 cents only hor) of comments tt will irritate the sh** out of us. So I say, you cant shut their mouths.. you can only talk it out and write/rant it here on this forum. we are all here to lend a reading eye. take it slow n laugh it off. hugs n be happy as you just delivered not too long ago! ;)
Read moreHi. It is normal to feel that way. I get my husband's side keep saying that my lo look like my hubby when he is younger. And when my side says that lo looks like me when i was younger, they disagree and say that lo look nothing like me at all. Then I said to hubby, "of course keep saying look like u.. they didnt even see me as a baby! " Be careful of possible post natal depression.. from the sound of it, you will take any light comment negatively as I did. Try to look on the bright side and not take things too seriously unless it involves the health/well being of your child. Do take care.
Read moreHi, I think you are unnecessarily getting hassled. How does it matter if she says that baby looks like her, or her mother, or father? These are the things you will have to listen often. People pass such comments and they should be taken in lighter vein. When the babies are born, they, I think all look alike. And even this is also not an explanation to your worry. I think you need to have thick skin because if a minor thing like this hassles you so much, then life has many lemons to offer. Brush off any such comments, and smile.
Read moreI think it's normal for you to feel that way. I agree with the other moms here that they don't know how you look as a baby so they don't have a point of camparison. Just don't take these remarks seriously. I've been asked more than once if my kids are mine or whether they have the same father. Haha... so I'm officially a slut to some strangers. I just brush off these comments because I don't see them as significant in how I deal my day to day life. Take it light heartedly. Hugs mama!
Read moreit's actually normal for your child to look like either your sibling or your hub's sibling. if baby looks like you, means there will chances tht baby will look like your sibling too. you get what I mean? like my sil son, there's this period of time tht he looks exactly like my hubby. hahaha. take it easy. (:
Read moreMy bubz is 1yo already and i still feel sore whenever they said tat too.. Everything n anything good will be from hubby. Anything bad is from me.. But be glad that they love ur kid more than anything.. So words r just words.. Dun let it get to you too much.. Hang in there!
Haha i got that too! Keep saying look like hubby or mil, nothing abt me. Until i have to dig out my baby pictures to claim resemblances. But I guess they are just in love with ur LO and wanna have some connection.
It's normal, baby is the centre of attraction now and everyone will love her more, cause she is a baby. I am sure they mean no harm and since your hubby said they laugh over it, it's a lighthearted moment for everyone.
I think u r overly sensitive. Be glad that they r adoring your baby. At 3 wks pp, I'm sure you have alot of other things to be bz about than to bother about such comments
Yeah I got it too! My girl really looks abit like my sil. I guess you just have to chill and take things easy. If not you are going to suffer from depression.