To stay or leave in an unhappy relationship ? 20 weeks pregnant.

I am 32 this year. My spouse to be gambles. Take care of me less than 2 days a week. We don’t stay together. He comes over to my parents place to stay with me 2 days a week. Sometimes he’s non existence . Sleep for the 2 whole day when he’s with me as he gambles till 6am. I am thinking of leaving… but I am scare… till today my parents does not know that I am pregnant. any opinion from single moms? I am pretty lost. Crying to sleep every night.

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I rather be alone than stay with a man who avidly gambles AND don't prioritise u or the coming baby. Speaking from someone who seeked divorce from a gambler a decade ago, I found my happiness and strength in my child after he was born. raised him for a good year and a half before I married my current husband. Find a man whom even if he can't shower u with luxurious stuffs, he at least will shower u with endless love and support. Anything with addiction, its not gna be a happy matter. It takes a lot of rehab and time and patience. U don't have to worry abt being a single mom. There's support everywhere, and also Be honest with ur parents, they are closest to u and they would want to see their daughter happy. once they see their grandchild, they might even love the baby a lot more than u know. Chin up dear.

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2y trước

You will be very ok. Happier and blessed esp when baby is with u. Will be ur strength and motivation. All will be well. #faith