body ache problems.
i am 25 weeks & 4 days today. is it ok if i want to go for a massage?
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Best to stick to prenatal massages where they are experienced with how u should lie and where to press or avoid pressing. Just in case, just sound your doctor out as well as every pregnancy is different. I have been going for prenatal Physio which I find extremely helpful with getting rid of aches and tight muscles
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Prenatal massages are fine:) not the usual full body massages where you lie on your tummy
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prenatal massage is ok
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Yes mummy. Please do. It will help relax your tired body
5y trước
thank you, will do. ☺️
Thành viên VIP
go for prenatal massage, not normal massages.
where to find prenatal massage?
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Yes prenatal is very good!
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