4 Replies

VIP Member

at week 24 my gynae told me that my placenta was on the low side. he told me not to worry as it might moved up. so yes.. it did move up on week 32. I was in labour ward for 19hours.. i was on induce labour but baby head was too big and my cervix is kinda small.. so need to do emergency c-sect. i opt for half body.. epidural. i only felt people pushing the baby out but it waa not painful. :)

VIP Member

Hey mummy! I don't really have any advice on this because I didn't have this issue (or at least not that I recall oops), but I've seen many mummies who have gotten over this in the later part of the pregnancy because it just moves on its own :) Don't worry too much on it, as long as your baby is healthy and everything else is fine - just give it some time because you're only halfway there!

thanks mummy jena!

VIP Member

Hi there! I also don’t have any experience with this. But I think as long as you follow doctor’s advice, everything should be fine. I’m so happy to hear about the baby kicking! That’s always a good sign. Pregnancy is the time to take things easy and be a Queen at home! Just enjoy your bed rest and don’t worry too much.

thanks mummy natalie!

hello! Have you tried to go for a prenatal massage? I'm 18 weeks 2 days pregnant and I did went for massage it helps alot!

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