Pregnancy Problem.

I am 17 weeks & 6 days. and doctor say that they found 10cm & 4 cm cyst in my kidney. will it be okay if i proceed with the surgery to remove the cyst? or should i let it be? as the doctors are scared if the biggest cyst would to twist and burst. i need opinions from you mummys. ? as i'm so worried. and if i proceed w the surgery will my baby get affected from it. ?

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Super Mom

If you look at the diagram, the kidneys are quite high up, away from the uterus (womb). Even though your womb is bigger than the one in the diagram, it’s still quite low down at this stage. Both organs are also in different spaces within the body, so the risk of directly hitting your womb/baby while doing the surgery is not high. It’s completely understandable why you’re worried/scared, and I’m sorry to hear about your baby 3 years ago 😢. Just said a prayer for you.. hoping you’ll find peace and be safe whichever decision you make ❤️

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4y trước

i'm so thankful, this makes me feel better for once. may god blessed you. 🥺❤️