64 Replies

Yes it's normal. It's because of pregnancy hormones. Drink lots of water, and eat foods rich in fibre. Avoid fizzy drinks. Also, make sure that you are exercising regularly. Reduce stress - take deep breaths and relax.

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Hope this link may help you https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-foods-that-cause-bloating#section16 You may also want to consider to have more frequent meal but smaller amount, eat slower and chew more.

Same here too, even after the nausea sorta stopped, the bloating didn’t get much better. Only pro is that I could eat more now (but still slow and small portions) since the appetite is getting better..

Absolutely normal to bloat, constipate and also suffer from heartburn. Watch your diet, it will help! Take good care. God bless you and your baby.

It’s very normal because the change in hormones slows down our digestive tract making us feel bloated and gassy. Sometimes i experience reflux or indigestion.

Yes it is normal. Ginger water or even sipping plain warm water through the day can help. However if there is any discomfort you may want to go see a doctor

Had it too. Tried boiled ginger water but not really working. No remedy really works. Splitting meals in smaller portion and eat more frequently helps.

Yes, its very normal. Ginger is great for bloated tummy. Eat ginger as it is, or drink ginger tea...adding it to foods and curries also helps.

Same here.more water intake po,para iwas constipation at kaen po kahit pakunti kunti para iwas sa pananakit ng sikmura.

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