Prenatal Vitamins

Hi! I am 1-2 weeks pregnant and a new mum, which prenatal vitamins is recommended? Thanks #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp

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Best ask your gynae , normally Doctor will give u folic acid now and then prenatal vitamins when the time comes , for me it was later due to a lot of morning sickness. feel free to ask your obgyn anything as you are first time pregnancy, best wishes and enjoy your journey!

Influencer của TAP

you can get folic acid from guardian for now, your gynae will prescribe you with more prenatal vitamins during your check ups.

1st 12th week - folic acid. 12th week onward - multivitamin, DHA, Calcium (iron if required)

Folic acid is good enough for 1st trim. Follow by multi vit (obimin)

Thành viên VIP

best check with your gynae! but folic acid is a must!

Super Mom

Folic acid is most important for the first trimester

Just take Folic acid for now. Rest as much as you can.

3y trước

Yes, just buy from any pharmacy.

Can get Folic acid from gynea or clinic.

Obimin & folic acid 💖

Blackmore’s pregnancy gold