My 5mth old also rolled down the bed and hit the area above her eye, but thankfully nothing big happened, other than a black eye that lasted for a month. But if she shows signs of lethargy and being u comfortable, do bring her to PD for a check up. It’s also for peace of mind for you..
Does she fall from a normal height of a queen size bed ? U may check for signs of vomitting / over cranky or having excess sleep . I would suggest u to bring her to PD for them to check on her if she refuse milk .
Just monitor whether she eating well or vomiting after that, if everything normal then is fine.. my bb fall down 2 times from bed and that is storage bed, quite high lor
It is better to take her to doctor . Because she is too small to express her pain. If there is vomiting or any other symptoms. Take her to hospital as soon as possible.
Check if she’s consistently vomitting and if she’s less active or sleepier than usual. But best to bring her to pd or hospital for a checkup
Please bring her to the doctor for a checkup just in case. A baby’s head is very fragile! It’s better to be safe.
Hi, Please check for signs of vomiting or nausea. And better to take the baby to PD just to be sure
Best to bring your baby to the pediatrician...
Take her to see a doctor.
Better to take to doctor