My husband @ >#$ and from last one year I m living with my parents and i gave birth my parents caring both of husband n his family such liars n big others he tells that he cares a lot my son but he never ask us to abt son n he does not care if my son gets fever...he tells to others dat he want divorce n i m nt giving him...after frustration I m agree to give him divorce...??? but I know him he won't give .....he is such d$g... I just hate him a lot...he did not care me even did not pick my calls so now I do not want to care him too.... My story is just like Ekta kapoor's saas bahu drama....I m now tired with it... His family go to hell...they all r bull$$....

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instead of waiting for him to ask for a divorce, go ahead and file for it. i dont think there is any point in trying to see if he will change, and not only for you, this is not good for your baby as well. speak to a good lawyer and file divorce. i am sure you have grounds of mental harassment, negligence and so on. he did not care for your financial needs especially when you were pregnant and gave birth. he is also not a good father. i am sure these are grounds enough for you to get a divorce with alimony and child support.

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i think if he does not even care for your son it is time you take things in your own hands. speak to a divorce lawyer and see what all terms you can go for if you file for divorce. make sure you keep a track of all this, that he does not come to see the baby, that he is not helping financially and that of course you guys are not even physically connected any more. all this will be enough to get you divorce with alimony and child support, but please consult a lawyer first,

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Malti, I am not sure if you are looking for any type of suggestion here or just needed a channel to vent out your anger. Either way, I think since this is your marital status as of now, you should think of moving on. as he is talking of divorce, you too should consult a divorce lawyer. you should definitely ask for a good amount in alimony and child support. as the father, he also has some responsibility towards your child, so don't let him forget that.

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7y trước

I did nt ask for any money yet.... he nvr call us and ask abt son...nor he cares when we tell him dat if my son getting sick.... i wanna peace of mind dat he leaves me as I m this time or clear all about if want divorce...

i think you should consult a divorce lawyer immediately. you can wait for him to file it or go ahead and file for divorce yourself. make sure you are careful about alimony and child support. also, please look at becoming financially independent. this is often something that we women tend to ignore. but now that you are with your parents and they are looking after your baby, you have more time to dedicate to work.

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6y trước

Can you tell me which work from home u do ..plz help me tooo.. I am looking for work from home options my stories same like u

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