Prenatal appointment

How was your first prenatal appointment? Care to share your experience? First pregnancy after a miscarriage in april and i am super anxious and nervous!

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Hi, congrats! I had 2 miscarriages at 18weeks & 8 weeks. Currently 21weeks pregnant. I had spotting for this pregnancy at 5weeks, so I went KK O&G. As usual, doctor will ask for my medical history, first pregnancy? Last mensuration date? Shared with dr when was my miscarriage & how many weeks pregnant that time. Dr did a scan & I requested for MC to rest. I was given appt to go back 2weeks later but I was worried, so I went to Mount E to seek advice from another doctor 1 week later. Understand how you feel, happy & worry at the same time. Try to relax :) Becoz of my medical history & spotting, I took long leave all the way till EDD. All the best!

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6y trước

Thank you! Had my first appointment yesterday and so happy to hear my baby’s strong heartbeat. Thankfully everything is fine. Congratulations to you too btw :)

You should be excited! First prenatal appt is the norms, the gynae will scan to see if there's a heartbeat then will schedule you for another appt to go through all the relevant test. Congratulations btw!

6y trước

Thank you!! I was so excited and scared at the same time. Had my first appointment yesterday and all went well.