4 Replies

I'd been slipping it into the conversation with friends and family. Eg oh I'm not vaccinated yet coz I'm pregnant the gynae hasn't given go ahead. oh I don't think I can travel next year anyway coz I'm expecting March next year le. oh, sorry I can't drink that coz I'm pregnant now. If the other party is preparing food, can also just let them know before going that you are pregnant now so there are some ingredients you need to avoid.

I got my elder girl a shirt that says I'm gonna be a big sister. she walked into the room wearing it, when my family was chit chatting. got everyone's attention haha

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I found it awkward like you to announce my pregnancy to my family and my husband’s family. My husband did the announcing instead, I just sat there and smile 😅

😅 My husband is even nore awkward with my family 😂 He has already informed his side of the family, my mum found out through social media as I announced directly on there instead of telling her but my dad side of the family don't use social media so I have to tell them directly

We told them after 3 months by showing the ultrasound pictures 😬 Just say got something to show u..

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