How soon should I start to shop for baby stuff.? I’m due early April . Any advice ?

I got the bigger stuffs first like cot & stroller and breast pumps during sales (9.9/10.10/11.11) then slowly buying baby’s clothings, collecting hand me downs.. I’m due next month (Dec). :) Those with expiry/warranty I will get them when it’s nearing to my due date (Eg. Chest freezer, sterilisers, lotions, sanitisers & wipes). For laundry detergent I got them earlier since I need to wash bb’s clothings before arrival. 😃
Read moreI'm due in March. We went around collecting hand-me-downs in Oct and then bought everything else we are missing on 11.11; like cot, tub, stroller, towels, milkpump, diapers, swaddles.. we spent like almost 2k in one day, but saved hundreds with coupons and promos. the only thing we didn't buy yet was the carrier as I heard some babies don't like it and we want to see what our lifestyle is like.
Read moreCan do last last trimester… can get cot first… i got stroller and carrier after baby was born but fact is… you dun actually need carrier and stroller until baby is bigger. So there’s no hurry to buy these yet. U can buy baby home-use items first like cot, shower stuff, a couple of newborn wear and swaddle or blanket
Read moreAlso due in April and so far I’ve only bought UV steriliser and baby monitor cos of 11.11 sale. However friends and relatives have started passing down things to me like baby cot, baby clothes and towels etc. They wanted to clear space in their own homes and our own home became their dumping ground 😅
Read morebigger item like baby cot, breast pump accessories can buy slowly. Baby clothes wait for gender scan. Stroller n carrier can buy once baby born cause you can see if it suits u n comfortable for baby too. I usually buy stuff at 8mths pregnant 🤭
I started mine after knowing the gender at 20 weeks+. And I always look out for the monthly sales - 9/9, 10/10 etc. Pretty much bought everything during those sales including baby cot, stroller and all. I went for the Mummy’s Market sale too.
I'm due early April too! Just started shopping for the more expensive items like baby cot, pram and wardrobe due to the 11.11 discounts. The other smaller and cheaper items will get somewhere in Feb I guess.
I'm also due in early Apr! Started buying alot of things during the 11.11 sale.