How do you rekindle the flame of love for your husband? Most of our time is spent taking care of the kids, so we really don't get to spend much quality time together. I fear that this might take a toll on our marriage. Any suggestions for improving our relationship?

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They say that it's the little things that matter. And I believe it's true. When our daughter was born, I noticed that most of my time was given to our little bundle of joy. Though hubby didn't complain about it, I did my best to let him know that I still love and care for him. What are those little things that a wife/husband/couple can do? Say "I love you" not just everyday but every time you have the Say "please" when you request for something and "thank you" when an act of love is done to and for you. Bear hugs and kisses do wonders too. Send him/her a text telling him/her how grateful you are for him/her and for the thing he/she does while he/she is in the office. Give him:her a back rub or simple foot massage when he/she comes home. Prepare a special dinner for him/her. When the children are asleep, get a bucket of popcorn, sit in front of your tv and together watch your favorite movie. Little things, right? But they will do wonders to your marriage life. Hope this helps. :)

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