mitten and booties

how old is your baby then u stop giving them wear mitten and booties?

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It really depends from person to person's choice but mittens can be stopped after 2-3 months and then continue with socks

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I stopped mittens ard 3 mths i think? But booties i just chged to normal baby socks and he’s wearing it everyday

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When my baby finger nail is harden. Depend on your baby. I took out mine around 2 month. Socks until after 1yo

I stopped wearing mittens around 2mths but I still let my daughter wear socks to sleep in aircon room at night

i continued letting my son wear them up till 3mths, mainly becos he always scratches himself.

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I still did. She's 5 months now but to avoid her putting her hand in her mouth...

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For mittens I stopped after 2 months. Booties after 6 months

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5th week stop mittens LO 5 months still wearing socks.

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5th week stop mittens LO 5 months still wearing socks.

I would say 3 months :) and socks after that