3 Month Old

How much is your 3 month old drinking and how frequent?

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Research tells us that exclusively breastfed babies take in an average of 25 oz (750 mL) per day between the ages of 1 month and 6 months. Different babies take in different amounts of milk; a typical range of milk intakes is 19-30 oz per day (570-900 mL per day).

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120 ml every 3 to 4 hours. Dream feed with formula at midnight (for last feed) to help last throughout the night.

120ml every 2.5 to 3 hours

Influencer của TAP

180ml 3 hourly bm.

Super Mom

90ml every 2 hours

120ml every 2 hours

5y trước

At night when he’s aslp, he will wake up every 4 hours for milk.

180ml at 4 hourly

5y trước

Does your child finish the milk at every feed? Any last feed before bedtime to last till the morning?

Influencer của TAP

100ml every 2hrs

5y trước

2 feed at night, 2am and 5am He's 4.5months now, last feed at 11pm till next morning 5 or 6am