Gynae Review - dr heng tung lan 👩‍⚕️

How is dr heng tung lan ? How much was your gynae delivery charges? Share his/her name and the charges here

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dr heng tung lan @ Parkway East! Antenatal package $1000 before gst (8-10 times visit only available after 16th weeks preggy) but for sure have additional charges during each visit! Calcium & multivitamins are included in the package) I just gave birth on 20th December 2019 Hospital bill was $6708.34 (Natural w/o epidural) 2 bedded Epidural additional 1k No additional for laughing gas! SO PLEASE OPT FOR IT) Gynae visit during hospital stay (200 per day) PD visit baby during hospital stay (400 per day) Hope it helps fellow mummies!

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3y trước

Hello! Sorry i just noticed your reply! Sure, will get in touch with you. Many thanks for your help. 😊

I delivered my baby at Parkway East with dr heng tung lan . She is very easygoing. She explained the details very well, no unnecessary investigations, and gave precise solutions. She made the procedure and consultations very comfortable. Overall experience was excellent and the charges were around $3500- $4000.

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-4236)

The delivery charges at dr heng tung lan clinic are around $3000. Dr. Heng Tung Lan is extremely friendly, you could speak very openly about anything- something that is of utmost importance.

dr heng tung lan parkway East. Vaginal.. Her charges for all pre natal appointments, and delivery is around $3200. Epidural is additional cost.

4y trước

Hi may I know this charges is inclusive of PD as well? You delivered this year?

Mine was Dr Vicky June Tan - delivered at KKH (under private suite) Vaginal Delivery with epidural. $3899.

Thành viên VIP

And this goodies bag from PEH, 1 bag of used diapers for your baby stay in hospital, small baby bath tub

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Dr SIM Lee Ngor from TMC. Emergency c-sect at $5029 plus attendance fee of $642 per visit.

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Mine was dr Yeoh Swee choo - delivered at mount e orchard. Vaginal delivery. $3,959.00

8y trước

Is she good?