Same for my son. Neck + legs + dont respond to the bell. Try to give him as much tummy time as possible but dont force him. Some take it slow. Mine passed all the assessment on his 4th mth. I think its just a matter of time. Different baby need different time frame.
my LO also has this issue when she was young too...we just give her slightly more tummy time. (eg. everytime after shower, playtime etc)..but only around 2 - 3mins each time..her neck got pretty good during the 2nd review :)
VIP Member
I also encountered similar issue like urs. My lo neck also not strong at 3 months plus and I was advised by the doctor to let baby do 1 min tummy time before every feed. Now her neck is quite strong from 5 months onwards. :)
thank you for sharing your experience. PD only advise to give LO more tummy time but without any guideline to refer too. Will start giving LO 1 min tummy time before each feed
VIP Member
Better to hv 10 to 15mins initially.. if baby stays ok .. or else reduce it .. put some playing toys in front of baby to make it joyful tummy time
VIP Member
10 mins but better to do on a playmat on the floor than the bed