- medical insurance - infant care - weaning food - clothes - diapers - baby wipes - shampoo, body wash and lotion - supplements - swimming lesson Less than 1k per month. I breastfed till 15m so saved quite a bit on formula and paediatrician visits (including other medical fees) are covered by my company insurance.
New born - 6 months Diapers each $0.22 Wet wipes per carton $30 ( can use for around 3 months ) Milk ( per tin $36)
Around $400-$500 Includibg doctor fee, solid food, eczema lotion,et c
while the baby grows, much more money have to be spent.
Infant care 1k Clothes 50 Food 50 Doctor 100
Infant care is expensive so will add to this
May I know how much you are paying per month after subsidy for infant care?
300 plus