How much money to pass to CL for buying groceries?
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My hubby brought the CL to market on every weekend to buy groceries and fresh food where my hubby will pay directly. :)
If you can't take with you, pass over what you feel is needed and then ask for a receiot at the end.
Hi, It really depends on the quantity and the stock. But always ask for receipt
Depends on how much u buying and for how long Pass her $150? Ask for receipt
Super Mom
Give like 50 sgd . Then ask for receipt when she is done
Thành viên VIP
Best for a family member to accompany the CL
We will go buy with her
Super Mom
My hubby will buy after checking with CL on the groceries needed.
Hubby will ask the CL to write down the list of groceries that she needs and he will go and buy.
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