How many people did you invite for baby’s full month?

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We didn't have a full month on my son's 1st month but we did something similar when he was about 3 months old. It was held at my dad's place and we only invited our immediate relatives and close friends and colleagues. So I would estimate at least 40 to 50 people? They didn't come at one go (thank god because the house wouldn't fit lol) but we had staggered timings for the day so we could spend time with each guest that way.

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Its so nice each time i hear people having a baby full month. I never had the opportunity for both my boys. Mainly because of my illness, im pretty anti social and thus we wont have anyone to invite, also financially tight. Guess the number of pax would be according to your fianances.

I invited immediate family and close friends which sum up to about 30-40 people. It is also a opportunity for them to take a look at baby. Didn't invite a lot of people so that my family members get sufficient time with baby.

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