Holding Hands In Public

How many of you mums prefer their husbands to hold their hands when in public? And how many dads will hold your wife's hands? Because i always see dads will hold and care more to their child especially daughters, than their wife. The wife will always be at the back. I wanna know how you mums feel. I am very happy that my husband will hold my hand whenever, wherever. And also because my dad will always hold my mum's hand too since i was young and until now that i am married.

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I think most mums would want their hubby to hold their hands when walking. If not, just have a chat and tell Him how you feel.

I still hope my hubby will continue to hold my hand regardless what. Don’t want the affection to slowly fizzled away.

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Heheh I will ask my hubby directly if he forgets. if my hands are engaged, he will usually put his hands around my waist

5y trước

Awesome! Good for you. Keep it up 😊

Super Mom

Sometimes pushing pram can still hold hands with hubby. If carrying baby, can still stand next to each other.

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Before kids it may b after kids dads busy with taking care of children when we r outside ..

Thành viên VIP

Holding hands is definitely a sweet gesture, the hubs and I still do this once in a while 🤗

5y trước

Good for you 😊keep doing it ya. I told my husband to hold my hands till we're old, just like my mum and dad.

It’s normal for most guys to focus more on the kids than wife at this stage.

My husband hold my hands always even when I am pushing the stroller

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my husband will hold my hand. otherwise he walk beside me

We'll hold hands. If he forget I'll hold his hands