15 Replies

I don't. I am ftm, baby 2 mths old. Using all the freebies still for bath n lotions n creams. So far baby ok. Wipes I bought frm TLO a carton, find not wet enough so now using pigeon. I don't want to study the ingredients list as I think will become over paranoid. As long as u know got pple use before and it's OK or establish brand then I think it's really ok Liao. Husband and I feel no need to be over cautious Caz we ourselves also just like that also grow up well

i read before the news where a young man at his age of 20plus was diagnose with breast cancer & some news about the no. 1 killer- Cancer had keep increasing the figure yearly. did talk to a few cancer recovered patients n they are maintaining their life now with 100% organic foods n products. maybe if we got some free times, we can do some reading. juz take it as health awareness n additional information n knowledge bah. ☺

I do, more so for food stuff .. Lately I started reading up more and when I examined the ingredients to see which to choose, it helps me to make better informed choice for my baby. I wanna provide the best that I can offer to Their young bodies since they are still growing . A healthy start .. Why not , right ?:)

Only for food products. :( For the daily essentials, there are too many unknown chemical names involved.. so have yet to find out which are the ones to avoid. For food stuff, will look out for ingredients list and the nutrition label (i.e., sugar, sodium, fat content).

I don't study the ingredients list of products. But i will always pay attention to the country of origin, where it is made from. I always get the trusted brands like pigeon and have preference for stuffs made in japan.

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for me I jus make sure those dangerous ingredients are not stated on the pkg. most of the times are those harmful ingredient that cause adverse reaction to LO skin

I do. so I started off importing fr usa. then gradually find some cheaper safer local alternative. For me I will refrain fr using paraben/alcohol/ethanol/petrochemical laden pdts

for overseas products specially from US & Canada, get them from iherbs coz definitely cheaper than local. if from Australia, then still can local search for best price.

Can't say much about skin product, because my baby has eczema. But for other things, nowadays I seldom check, second baby syndrome

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