How many of you have used Copper T? Are there any side effects?

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Copper T is a very effective method of birth control used by many women. It is safe, protects from unwanted pregnancy, and can be removed if a woman desires to be pregnant again. But like any other IUD it doesn't suit all women. Some women have heavy bleeding, discomfort, heaviness after Copper T insertion but again there are many women who are happy with it. Best is to consult with your gynecologist and getting knowledge about it. You can go through this write-up till then.

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i have not used it yet, but a few of my friends have, and they seem to be pretty happy with it. in fact, a friend of mine has been using it for almost 12 years now....she gets it changed after a few years or something like that. i have never heard them complain of any pain, discomfort or anything.

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