Checking spouse mobile phone

How many of you checks on their spouse's mobile phone, email, social media accounts?

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I used to do it when I didn’t trust myself and him. but we always access to each other phone, the phone never face up side down or being put on silent, plus all his actions is more than trustworthy. I can’t remember last time I checked his (it been years) And not planing to check anything anymore ? If your partner is acting suspicious, of course you have every right to do so.

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We normally don't check each other's phone and social media accounts even if we always leave them open on our PC's and both our phones can be seen anywhere in the house. Maybe because we never had issues about 3rd party ever since so there's really nothing to hide and nothing to worry about. But then again, it's not our practice to browse through each other's messages and SM accounts.

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well, I would love too but he won't let me so I sneak seldom and the longer we've been together I realize that I'm the one who makes my self hurt. So in my own perceptive, I don't care anymore. I will do my part as his wife and mother of our children. It's up to him if he cheats as long I am loyal, faithful and love him. Guilt and conscience will be a payback if that happens.

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when he didn’t change his passcode yet, i always checked his cellphone and media accounts because I know he deleted right away the messages both in his cellphone and accounts. Then suddenly he changed his passcode and he leave his cellphone in the car and knowing that he is hiding something. So I really don’t trust him anymore. If man lies once.. they lies forever☹️

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Guilty of this. Although he knows how to email, my husband is quite non-techie. I was the one who created his facebook account so that he could contact his relatives abroad. Checking each other's phone or email is not in reality a big issue in our relationship. Trust is one of our biggest assets therefore we are that confident and secured. We don't feel invaded in any way.

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I used to check secretly then one day I saw he trying to meet a Tinder girl but the girl said not free and who is he? Means they probably never meet up in real life. I did confronted him and move back mother's house. I was pregnant back then. Since then I don't dare to check. If I really found out something I don't know what to do because the baby had arrived.

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no..never ever...i believe in giving each other their space and privacy... if there is something interesting in our phones or mails, we share it with each other out of our own free will.. snooping on your partner's mails or phone can only lead to unnecessary misunderstanding, accusations, arguments and such, and cannot have any positive outcome.

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My wife does and it's totally fine with me. She knows my usernames and passwords of my accounts. It's transparency. We committed to be transparent to each other. Don't get me wrong. I know her passwords too but I don't check them because I fully trust my wife. Sometimes I ask them to check my emails and reply to them when I'm doing something.

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Never did..6 years in a relationship with him and 4 years of marriage,but i trust him enough not to invade his personal space and check his email/social media acct..i think its something personal that should be respected..although he keeps it open on his phone&pad which i know the passwords to,i still don't think its a good idea..

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Super Mom

..always.. it's not that i don't trust him. He knows i'm checking everything. And he does the same too. We share everything including our social media accounts and etc... And it's just ok with the two of us. It doesn't bother the both of us anyway. I guess it goes like that when you have nothing to hide. ?

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