When did you start sleep training?

And how long to let baby cry it out for 🥲 feel sad to see LO cry..

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Why would I let my precious baby cry herself to sleep? She’s so helpless and as her parents, we are her only hope to survive. You can try co sleeping for now. Babies will grow up and one day, they won’t need us this much. So don’t worry about babies being overly attached to you, if that’s what makes you wanna sleep train him/her.

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I honestly dont believe in letting baby cry it out. Theyre still small and need our comfort, their only way of communication is cry. I rather comfort him than to let him cry it out and get overtired, more harder to sleep.

12mo trước

Yes agree. And letting your baby cry too much may also affect his wellbeing as a whole. I remember my baby cried so much next day he got high fever for few days

I don't do sleep training since it's normally not too difficult to settle my LO to sleep. And I don't think I can bear hearing him cry and I don't do anything

how old is baby. below 2 months shouldn't do this

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nvr did sleep training for my kidz