Harmony test

How long does the Harmony test result will be out ? Any ideas mummies out there#advicepls

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Was told about 2 weeks but then mine came out in a week or so. Why i know, cos after drawing blood for Harmony, i requested for Oscar/ Fts scan n they squeeze my scan within a week later. Both harmony n Oscar blood test is similar but I don't mind doing double work cos i just want to see lil one on screen, even though i also have to pay for e scan. 😆N then see Dr about 2 week's time ma. No cause of concern they don't have to call u to inform u early anyway.

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4y trước

I shud hv done dat hahahah

hi, would like to ask does the harmony test have subsidies?

4y trước

No subsides, i pay 750 .

mine took exactly 14 days (not 14 business days)

About 2 weeks!

Is it 10-14 business days???

2 weeks!

2 weels

Influencer của TAP

about 2 weeks

4y trước

Ok sure will wait

about 2 weeks