6 Replies

Play more nursery rhymes to him. Last time at a playgym the teacher was sharing with us that when a baby can crawl or hold objects with both hands or pass things from one hand to the other, it is because their brains can balance out the usage left and right brains. Nursery rhymes help in achieving that because music stimulates right brain while the lyrics language part stimulates left brain. Give your baby an oball toy?

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Having to hold with two hands is also a milestone. Passing from one hand to another is also a milestone. Encourage your baby by getting him to clap. knowing that both hands can do such a thing. Once he knows how to clap, he will then progress onto holding with both hands.

Maybe show him that by holding an item in each hand he can bang them together to produce a noise. I did them before with my girl. Take 2 blocks and knock them together, then i show her how she can do it. Eventually she did it. =)

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Maybe u can help him to be interested in the toys.. show him how to hold and do it regularly.. children are smart. Maybe he is a little cautious .. You can introduce books to him too

I would not say the baby is lazy. Babies do not know what being lazy is. It could be due to other factors. Give him time. And keep encouraging him. More exposure maybe helpful.

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