how do i deal with tantrum toddler instead of using hitting her

First and foremost, if your toddler is in the midst of her tantrum, just stay by her side without saying anything. Wait there for her patiently until the storm blows away. She will not take in what you've said when she's throwing a tantrum, scolding her would have made her tantrum worse and by keep quiet, you'll making her curious and showing the way on anger management. When she has calmed down, ask her in a non judgemental way what made her angry. I believe no kid will want to throw tantrums for no reason. It's too mentally and physically draining for them. Walk her through her thoughts in a calm manner and tell her if she continues to scream again next time, you cannot help her. You can only help her when she talks to you properly. Be prepared to repeat this over and over again, but they'll eventually get it. Consistency is key and soon enough, she would have mastered the art of anger management. If she is exposed to quite a bit of electronic devices, you may wish to cut back on that as well. The high stimulation from such devices hones the mind to be less tolerant to delayed gratification and patience, hence the more frequent tantrums.
Read moreLike they say, consistency is the key. If she don't want to stop crying and want to get her things, let her continue cry till she stop her own. So next time she know it's useless anymore. If you give in to her cries, than she will know no matter what, you will give in. I nv beat my kids with anything, small mischievous, i will beat her palm or leg to warn her. I start naughty corner too. Now when she is naughty, i will tell her go behind the door and stand, and she will go. Once she go behind the door (depend on situation) she will stop her nonsense. At times she cry non-stop, but i will let her cry till she stop if she can't give in when i went 5 minutes later and ask her say sorry. When cases are small, few minutes later have to go and ask her to say sorry, so she will know she is in wrong and must stop. If no long, the not effect maybe opposite instead.
Read moreIt is important to be firm and consistent. Children will learn what works and if you give in to his/her request when he throws a tantrum, the child will learn that throwing a tantrum will get him/her what he/she wants. It will definitely not be easy but you will need to endure through his/her tantrums, then patiently explain to him/her that throwing a fit or screaming will not get him/her anything. The child will need to learn this in order to prevent future tantrum behaviour. Consistency is key. Also, reinforce good behaviour, such as when he/she ask nicely (and if the child does deserves what he/she is asking) for the item. This will help the child learn that there are other methods that are effective in getting him/her what he/she wants. Hope this helps!
Read moreThis is one of the toughest area to handle especially for toddlers. I realised that aggressive forms of punishment were just reinforcing aggressive behaviour. Young children have yet to learn how to behave, so it's important not to expect too much from them at this stage. When they misbehave, your child is learning a new skill or testing a boundary to find out what is acceptable and what is not. Try to think of it as an opportunity to teach them how you will like them to behave. This is one of the effective methods that I have tried: Praise good behaviour and started keeping reward charts or removing privileges. It will enable the kids to learn what are the right ways to do things and what is not acceptable. Hope that my 2 cents worth of feedback is useful :)
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I have seen my nephews (age at 1 yr & 2 yr old) being scolded by the mom and disciplined by the dad. They are not afraid of the mom cause what she did is just shout at them or hit them to stop doing what they are currently doing without telling them why. The dad will give them a stern lecture n ask why they fight/snatch things before punishing them (stand at one corner and out hands up instead of hitting). The outcome is they tend to listen more to the dad. Even thou the mom seems to be more fierce and often screams at them.
Read moreHubby and me dont believe in sparing the rod and spoil the child. We caned because we wana them to know that what they did are punishable. After caning we will talk to them and ensure that they understand why they were being caned! But we dont do it outside to prevent any embarrassment. Naughty corner works too.
Read morehave a naughty corner for them . some time kid throws tantrum just let it be. awhile they will stop den talk to her again . it some time really heart pain or maybe boiling when see ur LO throw tantrum . just calm ur self stay cool . and be patient
I will have a reflection corner for my kids if they did something wrong I will ask them to stand there and reflect until they stop crying and showing tantrums