Trouble with in laws

How do you handle lazy Monster-in-laws who never care or bring up for their own son and yet want to be priority in his life? While I am pregnant with my firstborn (a girl), my pils told me not to expect them to ever help or care for the grandchildren as they have no time for her. While I am pregnant with second child (a girl too), my pils told my Husband don't need to tell them anything about my baby's progress as she is a girl. They are only interested if she turn up to be a "boy". It was fine all along as I never expected them to help due to the differences in upbringing; I just work while take care of my children and house all by myself. Suddenly, my pils had some issue with skin and eyes condition (nothing serious) and they expect my husband's to be on 24 by 7 standby for everything. I can understand it if they need him to accompany for checkup but they expect my husband's to turn up for every gathering or wedding dinner that they want to attend even when my children are sick with high fever. There was once my girl is diagnosed with serious digestive system issue and advise by doctor to rush to hospital if we notice blood in her stool. However, my husband choose to keep the information from me and insist to bring his parents for a regular checkup. He only informed me after he left the house, leaving to handle two sick children (a infant and a toddler). I have talked and quarrel with him over it several times asking him to look at the urgency and seriousness to priorities his time but he continues to choose to accompany them for wedding lunch/dinner even when kids or myself is sick. I am really losing hope in our marriage and wonder how should I continue with him and his selfish parents. I got no helper, nor help from everyone.

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Been there done that....and thats why Im not with my ex husband anymore.My monster in law played part of why were not together anymore.